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How to Fix Frequent C-2204 Code Errors on C300i/C360i Printers

How to Fix Frequent C-2204 Code Errors on C300i/C360i Printers

EvateNala |

If your C300i or C360i printer frequently displays the C-2204 error code, it indicates an issue with the fusing unit. This error can affect print quality and overall performance. Here’s a detailed guide to help you troubleshoot and resolve the C-2204 error.

What is the C-2204 Code?

The C-2204 error code points to a problem with the fusing unit in your printer. The fusing unit is essential for bonding toner to paper, and a malfunction here can lead to poor print quality.

Steps to Resolve the C-2204 Error Code

  1. Check the Fusing Unit

    • Problem: The fusing unit may be faulty or improperly installed.
    • Solution: Turn off the printer and unplug it. Open the printer and inspect the fusing unit for any signs of damage or misalignment. Reinstall or replace the unit if needed.
  2. Clean the Fusing Unit

    • Problem: Toner or dust buildup can cause issues.
    • Solution: Gently clean the fusing unit with a soft, lint-free cloth. Ensure there is no toner residue or paper debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the unit.
  3. Inspect and Replace the Fuser Rollers

    • Problem: Worn or damaged fuser rollers can trigger the error.
    • Solution: Check the condition of the fuser rollers. If they are worn or damaged, replace them. Using high-quality parts, like those from Evate, can improve performance and reliability.
  4. Check the Printer’s Connections

    • Problem: Loose or damaged cables might affect the fusing unit.
    • Solution: Ensure all connections are secure and that cables are in good condition. Reconnect or replace any faulty cables as necessary.
  5. Reset the Printer

    • Problem: A simple reset may clear the error.
    • Solution: Follow the user manual’s instructions to reset your printer. This can help resolve temporary glitches or issues.
  6. Consult the User Manual

    • Problem: Specific models might have unique troubleshooting steps.
    • Solution: Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on handling the C-2204 error code specific to your printer model.
  7. Seek Professional Help

    • Problem: Persistent issues might require expert assistance.
    • Solution: Contact a professional technician for further diagnosis and repair if the problem continues.


By inspecting and maintaining the fusing unit, cleaning the printer, checking connections, and performing a reset, you can effectively address the C-2204 error code. Regular maintenance and using high-quality parts, such as Evate fuser rollers and toner, will keep your printer running smoothly. For ongoing issues, professional help may be necessary.

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