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How do printers work? (Color Laser Printer & inkjet printer)

Color Laser Printer

EvateNala |

We take printers for granted. We press a button and a printed page comes out. Simple. But how do printers work, exactly?

The answer depends, in part, on the type of printer. Inkjet printers function differently from laser printers. The entire process of going from an image on your screen to an image printed on the page is dramatically different, depending on which type you own. They also have different insides and different ways of printing and require different cartridges and types of paper to print.

In fact, the question itself, “How do printers work?” is deceptively complicated. From a printer’s duty cycle to the hidden operating costs of using a printer, how a printer works encompasses a wide field of variables and circumstances. Let's take a closer look at how it works through the following video.

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